前往 holograph - 全像攝影術 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
延伸文章資訊holograph-(全像). 英國物理學家D. Gabor(1900-1979)於1971年獨自榮獲諾貝爾物理獎,得獎原因是他發明的holography──用兩組雷射光拍照,在底片上留下干涉條...
Holograph definition, wholly written by the person in whose name it appears: a holograph letter. ...
The holographic design on the front of a bank card is a security feature. 見. holography. 更多範例. Th...
holograph \hol"o*graph\, v. t. To produce a holographic image of, by holography. [PJC] 來源(4): The...
holograph-(全像). 英國物理學家D. Gabor(1900-1979)於1971年獨自榮獲諾貝爾物理獎,得獎原因是他發明的holography──用兩組雷射光拍照,在底片上留下干涉條...
Holograph definition, wholly written by the person in whose name it appears: a holograph letter. ...
The holographic design on the front of a bank card is a security feature. 見. holography. 更多範例. Th...
holograph \hol"o*graph\, v. t. To produce a holographic image of, by holography. [PJC] 來源(4): The...