前往 好望角青鳄芦荟-Aloe ferox
延伸文章資訊青鰐蘆薈. Aloe ferox, commonly known as bitter aloe, is a species of flowering plant in the family As...
稀有~青鱷蘆薈$280 Aloe ferox 盆口闊: 9cm 展幅約:12cm x 高11cm 歡迎Pm . . . #plants3721 #青鱷蘆薈#好望角蘆薈#王刺綿#黃槿#列加士漆樹#...
青鰐蘆薈. Aloe ferox, commonly known as bitter aloe, is a species of flowering plant in the family As...
稀有~青鱷蘆薈$280 Aloe ferox 盆口闊: 9cm 展幅約:12cm x 高11cm 歡迎Pm . . . #plants3721 #青鱷蘆薈#好望角蘆薈#王刺綿#黃槿#列加士漆樹#...