【問題】scale中文 ?推薦回答
找hospital anxiety and depression scale中文相關社群貼文資訊| 科技 ...。
Hospital Anxiety & Depression Scale - GL Assessment。
... screening minor mental disorders in a cancer hospital in Taiwan and was reported to have fair .。
Use ...。
找Hospital anxiety and depression Scale相關社群貼文資訊| 科技貼文 ...。
2016年10月13日· Wang GL, Hsu SH, Feng AC, et al. The HADS and the DT for screening psychosocial distress of cancer patients in Taiwan. Psychooncology. 2011;20( ...。
Piano Chord, Scale, Progression Companion - Google Play 應用程式。
Piano Companion is a piano chords and scales dictionary with user libraries and reverse mode with a chord progression builder. Our free app has circle of ...。
Paul Veugen on Twitter: "deck.gl: large-scale WebGL data ...。
. Investor in product-obsessed teams. Previously founder @Usabilla & Human.. detail.co.。
hospital anxiety and depression scale hads中文 - 家居貼文懶人包。
2016年10月13日· Wang GL, Hsu SH, Feng AC, et al. The HADS and the DT for screening psychosocial distress of cancer patients in Taiwan. Psychooncology. 2011;20( ...。
Geologic Time Scale 2020。
Therefore, the establishment of a revised “naturalistic” time scale may be some ... Anbar, A.D., Duan, Y., Lyons, T.W., Arnold, G.L., Kendall, B., Creaser, ...。
Plants and Microclimate: A Quantitative Approach to Environmental ...。
... (1⁄4 1/r l) can be estimated as: gl 1⁄4 ð1=ðraW þ ðs=γÞrHRÞÞ Td−TT−T W ... term on the right-hand side represents a scaling factor that depends only ...。
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper。
Inv . Map 1-385 ( LAC 75 ) , scale 1 : 1,000,000 . Marti , K. , Lightner , B. D. , and Osborn , T. W. , 1973 , Krypton and xenon in some lunar samples and ...。
Annual Report of the Commissioner of Patents。
A. Steveley C. E. Turnock T. W. Cain J. Barnes . M. A. Dees J. H. Eastabrooks ... G. L. Prescott Scale . Portable weighing . J. W. Hunter . Scale . Price .。
Publications of the Geological Survey。
... by G. L. Dolton and C. W. Spencer . I sheet , scale 1 : 500,000 ( 1 inch - about 8 miles ) . ( NC , Da , M , Db , U ; Geol Survey of Wyoming , Univ .