\ 原本是想畫宿醉腮紅,結果手殘不...
\ 原本是想畫宿醉腮紅,結果手殘不小心畫成曬傷腮紅。。。?\ #innisfree #Mypalette #我的彩妝盤\
\ 原本是想畫宿醉腮紅,結果手殘不小心畫成曬傷腮紅。。。?\ #innisfree #Mypalette #我的彩妝盤\
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這麼濕冷的天氣 你被窩是不是也裝了吸鐵? 沒關係,再一起努力一天就放假了! 喝杯暖暖熱飲療癒今天心情吧
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: not strong, loud, intense, etc. She spoke in a subdued voice. ... The color/lighting in the lob...
subdued - WordReference.com 英汉词典. ... 本页中: subdued, subdue. WordReference English-Chinese ... Car...
The adjective subdued refers to something, like a sound, that has a lowered intensity. Your loud ...
The meaning of SUBDUED is lacking in vitality, intensity, or strength. How to use subdued in a se...
subdued · 1. adjective. Someone who is subdued is very quiet, often because they are sad or worri...
The prospects for growth in the UK remain subdued as they are in part influenced by the situation...
Despite the continuing subdued growth, the unemployment rate is expected to remain relatively low...